Company name


Company address

1-22-28 Kawajiri-cho Nishi, Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture 737-2603

Representative name/position

Representative Director Yuichi Murakami


3,000,000 yen

contact address

TEL/FAX: 0823-87-6275

Establishment date

June 10, 2020

Business details

Sales of cutlery and related products (domestic retail and overseas wholesale), media business, regional revitalization business


Take National Route 185 in Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture towards Aki Kawajiri Station on the JR Kure Line. Turn toward the sea (south) at the signalized intersection in front of the station, then turn right at the first crossroads. Go west for about 100m and turn left at the first corner. About 3 minutes walk from JR Aki Kawajiri Station.
*Please be sure to make a reservation in advance before visiting the showroom.