令和6年9月25日~10月1日まで、東京ミッドタウン(東京都港区赤坂)ガレリアのISETAN SALONEにて、「DON’T YOU KNOW?」展を開催します。
令和6年9月25日~10月1日まで、東京ミッドタウン(東京都港区赤坂)ガレリアのISETAN SALONEにて、「DON’T YOU KNOW?」展を開催します。
1. We visit the workshop, talk with the blacksmith, and purchase carefully selected products by actually seeing them with our own eyes.
2. We have a full lineup of original knives planned by HAGAKURE and collaboration products with craftsmen.
3. We also have a thorough follow-up system that includes half-yearly and one-year inspections after purchase, as well as re-sharpening and correction of spilled blades.
4. Our staff, who are not only knowledgeable about products, but are also well-versed in cooking, will suggest the most suitable bottle for your needs.
5. We communicate not only functionality and artistry, but also the cultural value and appeal of Japanese knives.
Knife craftsmen who still inherit the fire-forged forging method developed by our predecessors. Knives, which are said to last a lifetime, are born from such skilled handiwork. They are highly sought after by top chefs both domestically and internationally. It is also a blacksmith that attracts attention.
The HAGAKURE online shop has now started payment and delivery services so that customers living overseas can also make purchases.
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